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About me
My journey as a luthier began when I was 18 years old in my hometown, Buenos Aires. Having been playing guitar since I was 11, it felt natural to follow my curiosity and go deeper into my understanding of the instrument so I enrolled in a guitarmaking school in the city. The place was called El Virutero and to this day it remains one of the best lutherie schools in the country, being founded and run by some of Argentina's most prolific and prestigious luthiers such as Esteban Gonzalez and Julio Malarino, master builders of the nylon string guitar, with whom I had the priviledge of learning my first steps.
After that I continued my education by means of practicing, reading, asking and looking. Early on I took on a solo road that allowed me to develop a sense of experimentation that was a great master in itself, testing the hard boundries of tradition and understanding its remarkable practical value.
Since moving to the UK I've been in contact and worked alongside acoustic guitar builders from whom I took influence and learned a great deal.
I now use a combination of modern and traditional methods of construction from both the acoustic and classical world.